Online Business That's Not Easy!

21:55 Unknown 0 Comments

" Online business is easy! do not need to spend a lot of capital, can be done anywhere, so why not start your online business from now ? "

Hoam, the words that come out of the mouth of the motivators 'great'.
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 A great motivator in the talk but do not actually understand what he was talking about.

Who the heck am I? to dare to say that? I was a nobody just a snot-nosed kid who's just starting out in IM (Internet Marketing) yesterday afternoon, do not ask income, because my income from IM means nothing if you compare it with the great motivators, but Alhamdulliah enough to buy fried food every day .

Back to the topic, let us examine what is wrong with the greeting Motivator 'great' is.
Error 1: The Easy Online Business!
 bisnis online mudah
WTH, easy online business? What word shaman champion? if an online business is easy, why does not everyone just work so Online Marketer? online business said it was easy?

There are enough ads can order money
Simply create a blog visitor can come and ngeklik ad money
Enough for getting people to join (affiliate) program to be money
Just upload the work / design we can earn money again

Fatal error if we assume that an online business is easy, because if you ask with the Master of Immer, of course, they will answer that it is misguided. Online Business it is NOT Easy! mind you, kid.

You have to be really ready to not get the (money) for months and even years, you should be ready staring at a monitor for 6-12 hours a day, you should be ready to sacrifice momentary pleasure to get real pleasure, and you have the most severe menjomblo ready (optional: only to be more focused).

That is also the reason why not a few people who fail and give up when plunged into Business Online, for what? because they are not ready to be all that, and the severity of the doctrinal motivator 'great' earlier, has seeped into their souls.

Not wise if also blame the motivator, and to avoid this, perhaps the right word to describe the wise online business is.

Online business it's hard at the beginning and the end will be easy.

Build auhtority and seo (read: ice io, not seo) it is what causes us to be prepared not to get anything in the first few months of starting an online business.

Further we discuss the error to 2 
Error 2: Online Business Does not Need Much Capital Eject!
I know exactly, do we have to pay expenses when you first start a business online compared to offline business would be greater offline business. But taukah Your Business Online is not actually a business that can be spelled without Much Capital or if I affirmed, online business is not a business that is Cheap!

Why do I say that business is not cheap? because it is the budget that you have to spend to pay for the cost of hosting a website is not cheap
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 We just take IDwebhost example, a web site that offers hosting. They set prices vary, ranging from Rp.1000,00 - 6p.690.000,00 per bulam. Suppose we choose a hosting package that is central, not too premium and also not too unusual (middle) and the price is Rp.110.000,00 per month.

That price will look cheap, for high-income people, but how 'sorry' to people whose income is not more than 1m, of course, it will drain more than 10% of the monthly income of the person (only for hosting).


so, the online business was not easy and not Cheap! far different from what the motivator 'great' is. The purpose of writing this article is certainly to help my friends to think twice before deciding to plunge into the online business